I am a horrible blogger… just horrible! Funny how when you get busy and you actually have something to write about you have no time to write because you’re busy… it’s a conundrum!
I recently stumbled on to the fact that a friend of mine, also a boarder at my new barn, has a blog and reading it, I of course, am inspired to pick up this blog again… so I went to put together a post and saw that I have not posted in 6 months… bad , bad, bad blogger! Not that it matters because I highly doubt anyone reads it!
So here is my attempt to catch you up on what’s happened in six months… six months of blogging in 60 seconds…
When last I left we were gearing up for our first ever beach ride and we did go. It was an amazing, but also scary experience… more on that in a separate blog.
Hot & Sweaty after the beach ride... waiting to load onto the trailer..
Rio celebrated his 12th Birthday with carrot cake, and birthday hat to match! I cannot believe he is 12 or that I’ve had him for just over 6 years now… slightly crazy!
Lauren came for a visit from Tally and took Rio out for a ride. She was impressed with how much more forward he moved off of her leg and how much weight he'd lost and how much muscle he'd gained.
We had a few months of dealing with some crazy horse people at our barn and crazy events in general. I won’t go into too much detail on the off chance any of those people read this blog… lets just say we moved to a new barn and we’re putting all that behind us. Somewhat sad as there were things I did like about our last home, however short lived it was.
The new barn and its boarders are all absolutely amazing. I love having other people to ride with and while I’m still working on Rio’s dressage and occasionally experimenting with jumping we could easily retire to the life of a trail horse… or try endurance!
In mid October we participated for the second year in the annual Children’s Miracle Network Trail Ride with our new found friends, which was a blast and warrants its own blog topic in the days to come.We also meant up with a friend I met as a teen through a horse sim game... Dana is even more awesome in person now then she was when we were younger and her horses are adorable! She joined us for this event and I hope will be coming back for a beach trip and a repeat of this ride next year.
I’ve found a really great guy to half lease Rio and he’s quickly become a friend and riding buddy.
We’ve spent the last few months dealing with the feet from he**. Hoof abscesses, and thrush, and 3 farrier changes before finally finding one I like.
In two weeks I move to Sanford which will be a blessing and a curse because rent will go up, but driving will go down and I’ll be 10 minutes from the barn so I can see Rio that much more with out spending so much on gas and tolls…
I still have not been able to find a regular teaching job so I make ends meet by subbing, working for my mom, tutoring, teaching the occasional riding lesson, and half leasing Rio... makes for a chaotic life, but at least I still have my horse and I swear he lives better then I do! Spoiled rotten pony!
And that, ladies and gentlemen pretty much brings us to current…
I promise I will try very hard not to fall of the face of the Earth with this blog again… and the next few weeks will be a mix up of more detailed posts from some of the events in the last 6 months combined with new news…I see others post occasionally about different horse related topics or do just pictures posts and I want to steel… *cough* … I mean borrow those ideas and share the things that I am learning as well!
Until then, Rio says hello to his cyber friends and hopes to get a few more followers! If you have a blog please share. I’m always looking for good blogs to read!