Saturday, March 16, 2013

Love My Vet... Just Say'n

In dreamland post sedation to recheck his tooth
Rio had his dental re-check this morning. We went in expecting to pull the tooth and the ligaments around the remainder of the tooth had actually tightened up around the tooth and healed. Rather then traumatize him again the vet opted to leave the remainder of the tooth. We'll recheck again in six months when his fall vaccines are due. Awesome! In the mean time I get to rinse his mouth with salt water 2-3 times a week to help keep any food from building up and causing another infection back there. Here's hoping he stays healthy and problem free.

While I'd have liked to avoid putting him through 2 sedations and two hours of torture... and the unexpectedly larger vet bill it was an educational experience. I knew that horse's teeth continually erupted through the gum line as they wore down through out life. I knew the reason for annual dentals... that their teeth often ware unevenly leaving sharp points. I never stopped to think about the fact that different teeth come in at different stages in their early life and that because they continually grow and come in at different rates the roots of the teeth are actually very tough and long. Some teeth are harder to pull then others depending on the age of the horse, and that is what happened to Rio. The good news is that while the whole tooth was loose initially it looks like everything is healing up now that the cracked peace has been removed and the infection is gone. Obviously its better he keep the tooth then loose it so I was happy. 

Took advantage of the drugs to trim & pull his mane... long overdue!
Was the easiest mane pull ever!
I love my vet. He treats my horse like his own every time he sees us. He always calms my nerves even if its just a phone call with questions about how to do something, and unlike some of the vets in the area he really is in it for the best of the horse and  not for the money. Rocky only does what is absolutely necessary. He could have pulled the tooth. He could have charged me for more work then was really needed. Not only did he not do that, but he only charged me a half a trip fee. He didn't charge a re-exam fee or a fee for the sedation (usually a $40 fee). He could have easily gotten another $100-$150 out of me today even only rechecking the tooth, but he charged me $25.... and then drove back after he realized he forgot to drop my coggins when he could have just as easily e-mailed it to me and moved on... he is truly worth his wait in gold. I've met plenty of bad vets and farriers in the last 3 years since moving to the central Florida area, but I think I've finally lucked out and have a decent team lined up in my horse's court. 

Spring break starts in less then 10 days and we are good to go and healthy just in time to hopefully take our first lesson with the trainer at the barn over the break. We are definitely in a good place!

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