It's 12/12/12... its the last time we'll see a triple repeating digit like that in my life time... unless I live to be 131... that's sort of profound really when you think about it. I've spent a lot of time putting things in my life into prospective the last 6 months. Life goes by so fast. You truly have to appreciate every moment of it. I feel like it was January yesterday and I was sitting here typing a blog about new years resolutions for 2012 and now here we are 2 weeks away from 2013... say what?!?
This year has been a roller coster ride of up ups and downs, highs and lows. I haven't blogged a whole lot the last few months because, well one, I got a job yeah go me! almost 2 years of not having full time employment was beginning to takes its toll. But, I'm back teaching, and even though I spend a lot of time working and stressing over work I really do love my job.
I've joined a church that I love. It feels like a whole in my life that was missing has been filled. I'm part of something bigger then all the craziness life can some times throw you and for the first time in a long time I feel like my life is more balanced.

Working the church pumpkin patch to earn money for the youth group
I became an aunt! its crazy how much I love my niece! More then I thought possible which is saying a lot. I know her mom will kill me, but I can't wait to teach Evelyn, and her little brother Liam how to ride a pony someday!
The other reason would be my lame horse... seems like about this time last year we went through the issues with hoof abscesses and thrush. Then we had a good six months of great riding only to come up lame again around Sept./Oct. of this year.
I've joined a church that I love. It feels like a whole in my life that was missing has been filled. I'm part of something bigger then all the craziness life can some times throw you and for the first time in a long time I feel like my life is more balanced.

Working the church pumpkin patch to earn money for the youth group
I became an aunt! its crazy how much I love my niece! More then I thought possible which is saying a lot. I know her mom will kill me, but I can't wait to teach Evelyn, and her little brother Liam how to ride a pony someday!
Evelyn & Aunt Sammy
The other reason would be my lame horse... seems like about this time last year we went through the issues with hoof abscesses and thrush. Then we had a good six months of great riding only to come up lame again around Sept./Oct. of this year.
Trying to stay positive... If you have to be hurt at least you can look cool in matching lime green...
It was one thing after another in fact... a respiratory infection followed a few weeks later by a mystery fever of 104 that lasted 48 hours, and went a way never to return, no known cause and no other symptoms... then he came up lame. I thought it was an abscess, but the lameness would come and go on and off. When I finally decided the vet should have a look it turned out Rio had strained tendons in both front feet. The cause? The farrier was trimming him too much in the heel and not enough in the toe leaving him with a very long toe and next to no heel. This of course was totally avoidable, and you can bet I felt like a pretty crappy horse mom for not catching it sooner or avoiding it all together.
Rio and his new girlfriend Sky
A farrier change some corrective trimming, and six weeks off with cold hosing and wraps solved the tendon irritation. You can bet I was happy that we avoided a bowed tendon which the vet felt was only a matter of time with out the treatment. Just when I thought everything was going great he turns up lame again. All I could think was please don't let it be a re-injury of the tendon, and luckily it wasn't. This time it truly was a hoof abscess.
We finally drained the hoof abscess which was pretty deep couple of weeks ago and we've come back with a vengeance. He is riding possibly the best he has in at least a year now.
Just in time too! A friend of mine recently bought herself a second horse, and moved into our barn along with another girl that's been leasing one of the barn horses. Finally I've had people to train along side which is what I truly need to push myself and Rio to the next level. Having them around made me realize how much I've missed having structured, consistent riding with a purpose in my life. I think Rio enjoys it too because the more time I spend with him the more he thrives, and all the little bad habits he's developed over the last couple of years are slowly disappearing with the regular work. He rides more forward of his own willingness. He stands to be mounted. He very rarely pulls or roots, and he is pretty much game to try what ever I happen to throw at him.
In January the 3 of us (plus Christian who leases Rio) will be moving barns. It was a very tough decision to leave my current barn. I love it there. I love the people. And, I am going to miss having a lighted ring to ride in at night during the winter.
The positive side to the move is that the four of us will be joining other like minded boarders who also train and ride more regularly. There are a couple of great trainers on sight, and because we are doing self care board will be slightly cheaper which means I might actually be able to afford a lesson here or there. It also, means I'll have other horses to teach off of myself so that I could put that money towards lessons. And, the 5 or 6 of us who will be training/riding together have enough knowledge between all of us to really be able to help each other.
My goal when I bought Rio as an almost 6 year old was always to ride and show low level dressage and eventing, but its so hard to do with out a support system and now I think I have the right support system to give it a go. It only took 7 years to get there!
It seems like things have just fallen in to place over the past 3 months for all of this to happen so I'm giving that credit to God with a big thank you for answering my prayers. I don't know that I will continue to be this lucky. In fact I'm sure there will be ups and downs. But, I'm going to work hard and love every minute I have with my friends and my horse.
Its just a little late... Thanksgiving was almost 3 weeks ago, but I feel it important to voice what I am thankful for anyways.
I am thankful for a job that allows me to have my best friends in my life. I am so thankful for Rio, and Buster (the most awesome dog!) and so thankful for good friends.... special shout out to Christian who leases Rio, and who has stuck by us through all of these changes, and health debacles, and who plays a major role in getting Rio pointed in the right direction. I'm thankful for my family who humors all my horse crazy obsessions as well. And, I'm looking forward to an amazing 2013 with lots more to come.
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