Jen and I grew up on the same street, went to the same elementary school, and have been friends since we were probably 4 or 5 years old... which is pretty much 95% of my life. I can't imagine us not being friends... we'll probably be 90 & senile sitting on rocking chairs next to each other someday. No matter how long its been since we've seen each other or talked we always pick right back up where we left off... no awkward pause at all. And, we're always there for each other be it a big or a small issue. I feel insanely blessed.
When we were kids she used to be the one I invited for a birthday riding lesson. And, when we moved our horses on to our own property she would come ride double bareback around the trails with me for hours.
Even though I've had Rio for almost 8 years (yikes really?!?!) she's never seen him because the last couple of times I've seen her I've had to fly to her. I was impressed both with how much she remembered and how well she did on him, as well as how well behaved he was for a new rider who really would be considered beginner. With more riding and him being more fit he really is an intermediate mount and can be a challenge. I was waiting for him to try to pull Jen around or out of the saddle, or to spook and run away... neither happened. If anything he was lazy and nonplussed by the whole situation. Jen's mom even got on and played with him for a few minutes... I can't get my own mom to ride... it was fun to share it with a woman I could probably call a second mom given how much time Jen and I spent together growing up.
Over all it was a great weekend. Along with the riding I tried a few new things... golfing! I have no idea how they manage to hit the tiny ball with the club that accurately to get to a hole that far away.... I mostly watched and drove the cart, but I promise to try actually playing sometime... then they'll really have something to laugh at. We also tried eating a few new things... for example gator.... yes you heard me correctly gator. Can't say that I'd do it again, but it wasn't horrible. Gator tasted kind of like chewy chicken. I also tried muscles for the first time which were really not too bad. My favorite of the weekend though was Eggs Benedict! We discovered some great local restaurants. If you live in the Sanford Lake Mary area may I highly suggest a visit to Peach Tree Cafe & Giovanni's. We finished up the visit painting pottery and watching Les Miserables.... best weekend I've had in a very long time... horses, time with my best friend, and a of fun activities. And, on Monday after she'd left I took Buster to the vet to get his stitches out and found she'd paid off his surgery bill.... which just demonstrates the kind of friend she is. She does things like that with out being asked. Even though we would have been fine making the payments it did take a burden off my shoulders, especially given a second injury to Busters knee that now needs treatment.
We have plans to bring her girls out and let them ride next time! Can't wait for that & I may even spend the summer out with them in California... hey being a teacher might actually pay off... 3 months to spend with my best friend and her girls... the downside is missing my animals, but what an amazing experience it would be.
How did I every get so lucky in finding a friend like Jen? I will never know!