Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Very Merry Un-Birthday To You... (And Rio)

Rio unceremoniously demanding more Birthday treats... as if 3 apples, a half a bag of carrots and umpteen peppermints weren't enough!
      You could say I am wishing my four legged best friend a belated birthday, but I prefer to ignore how horribly late this is and just wish him a very merry un-birthday… you know like in Alice In Wonderland?

            Yes, I am a horrible horse mom, and an even worse blogger at that. I haven’t written in a few months, not for lack of things to write about, or the enthusiasm to write, but definitely for lack of time and organization… But I digress... before I’ve even begun!... where was I?

            I feel like I’m in a time warp or a little bit like Alice falling down a hole and finding herself in world that doesn’t quite make sense.  It has been an absolutely insane year, both in horse related events, and in my life in general. Never mind the craziness... I would love it if someone could just explain to me where does time go and why does it disappear so quickly!?

            As of April 17th my pony turned 13 years old, and this blog, or lack there of, turned one. I am a huge fan of celebrating Rio's Birthday because other horses I've had I never knew official Birthdays for. So Rio is never lacking in the spoiled rotten department on Birthdays. This year was lower key, but he did enjoy many treats, a good brushing and extra turn out time. 

 When I first Met Rio he was a rising 6 year old with not much training to his name, and very little real life experience. I was working my butt off trying to navigate college, work a full time job, and manage 2 horses at the same time.

A lot has changed in 7 almost 8 years. I officially bought Rio. Katie passed away leaving a huge hole in my life, I graduated, I got my first teaching job, I left that job after the first year and moved to Central Florida, took on a job that I absolutely hated, left that job and found myself not quite knowing what to do next, but fighting to make ends meet… mostly so that I never have to say good by to one of the best things in my life, my horse…. Which I’m sure only other horse lovers will understand.

After spending a good 7 or so years in one place Rio has now been moved to 3 barns in a year and a half to find just the right fit for us. But, boy has he learned to be a horse that goes with the flow. All the moving around hasn’t seemed to bother him one bit. We’ve done beach rides, and trail rides, and even attended a big group trail ride with hundreds of other riders 2 years in a row now. He gives lessons to beginners! He’s no longer the green baby; he’s teaching other riders how fun it is to ride, and how much more fun it is to ride a flashy spotted Appaloosa with an attitude. We are jumping. He’s gone from looking at the jump with a “dear in the headlights” look to actually enjoying free jumping though it takes a bit of convincing to carry my heavy behind over a fence. Riding seems an ever constant work in progress, but he Rio now rides on the bit mostly off seat and leg, and we are working on lateral movements and lead changes.  We’ve made Friends with Crystal and Christian who are partially leasing Rio and helping me keep him in regular work.

Through all of this, I look back at where we came from and I feel very lucky to have him and incredibly amazed at how far we’ve come.

This post may be a little late (bad mom bad), but is no less heart felt. Happy Birthday to my spotted boy and thank you to all those who share in his life and make it possible for me to have him in mine!

And, I know I’ve said it before, but I promise there will be updates more frequently for the 3 people who read the blog!... maybe someday I’ll have time to write more and we’ll gain a following… until then , at least its good therapy for me!

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